Holycross Ballycahill


Weekly Novena Mass

Every Friday

10.00am in Holycross Abbey

The Novena will also be available online on www.churchservices.tv/holycrossabbey or click on link below.

Petitions for our weekly Friday Novena or Annual Solemn Novena can now be submitted online (anonymously) by clicking on the link below. These petitions will be prayed for at the Novena. If you wish to receive a copy of the Novena prayers to join in at home, please email hbparishoffice@gmail.com or call 0504-43124 and we will be happy to forward them to you or click on the Prayers link below

Mass Cards and Shop items can be posted or collected on request. Please call 0504-43124 or email holycrosssabbeyshop@gmail.com.

We thank you for your understanding and support and we pray that Our Lady will watch over us all.

Click here to watch online: https://www.churchservices.tv/holycrossabbey

Click here to submit a petition online>>

Annual Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help 2024

Please see Novena Schedule below:

The Novena will also be available online on www.churchservices.tv/holycrossabbey and on Tipperary Mid West Radio at 7.30pm daily (except Friday 13th when the 4.30pm will be broadcast and Saturday 14th when the Anointing of the Sick will be broadcast at 2pm)  

Petitions for the Annual Novena and our weekly Friday Novena can now be submitted online (anonymously) by clicking on the link below or email petitions@holycrossballycahill.com   These petitions will be prayed for at the Novena.

Click here to submit a petition online>>